
Showing posts from 2019

Straight from my heart!!!

In your presence is where i belong, in your presence is where i am strong. Loving you and drinking fro your fountain. Your presence is what i desire, surrounding me, wrapping me in love so precious, in safety and in garrison let your love be my shower, your power my buffer. In weakness your strength revealed; revealer of secrets, deep secrets of ages past, what lies in darkness before ever fresh yet never recollecting sins long forgiven. Glorious light dwells with you , giver of visions opener of blind eyes, redeemer, saviour of me, lifting me, from clay and ashes deep set my feet on rock so solid regardless of the taunts and wiles of wickedness, setting me as a light and a king on a hill so Holy, of me you make royalty, adopting me into your family, make me a priest anointing me for your separated purpose, TOUCH NOT you say, do my prophets no harm! The terrible contender must face your terrible contention. Like a warrior you gird yourself and fight for me tearing down clou